Can SEO help a website's sustainability? - Blue Manta Media Blog
Posted by: Abby Davey Category: SEO Tips Tags: , , , , Comments: 0

Did you know that SEO, if done correctly, can lower your website’s impact on the web’s carbon footprint? Web sustainability is a vast topic. It covers many aspects, whether that is design principles or technical details. Today’s blog looks at sustainable website growth and how SEO can help.

It is a given that you use the internet every day, whether that is messing on social media for five minutes or using a search engine, hunting for the correct result and then spending one minute to read said result. It’s a shame you wasted five minutes looking for it, which may not sound like much to you, but then there are millions of people at a time, multiple times a day, doing the same thing as you, which adds up and represents a massive waste of electricity. All those pages you visit until you find the correct result, the energy spent by the data centres involved in your requests, the energy an internet service provider wastes to serve the data, and the energy our devices consume to show them all adds up.

By optimising your website correctly and making it easier for people to find your website, you save your visitors valuable time and even help the environment by lowering the web’s carbon footprint. Your website will be more sustainable as a result.

Use a holistic SEO approach to improve your website’s sustainability and make it easier to find. Focus on your writing style, such as avoiding long sentences or using a passive voice. Write focused content and use a proper key phrase to focus on, and finally, sharing your content on social media can help make it easy for someone to find your content.

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