Twitter is finally testing and developing an edit button - Blue Manta Media Blog
Posted by: Abby Davey Category: News, Social Media Tags: , , , Comments: 0

Twitter confirmed yesterday that it has been working on an edit button for its tweets (finally!). Soon the days of having to delete and redo your tweet will be over!

The news was announced yesterday on 5th April, as Elon Musk, who is Twitter’s largest shareholder with a 9.2% share, polled his followers about whether users wanted an edit button or not? As you can imagine, results were overwhelmingly in favour of the addition.

The poll received over four million votes. However, Twitter later confirmed that the edit function has indeed been in development since last year and not due to Elon Musk’s poll.

While it is great to hear that they are working on implementing the feature, it will first have to undergo rigorous testing with its premium users. Twitter Blue Premium Subscribers will be the first to test this edit button before it is released to everyone else.

From day one, it has been argued that Twitter requires an edit button because Facebook, Linkedin, and even Instagram all have one. Certain things need, and I am sure, will be considered with this new inclusion, such as how long does someone have to edit their tweet? How often can you edit tweets, and how does another user know that a tweet was edited?

Can historical tweets from years past be edited, or is there a shut-off period? There is an argument against allowing this as historical tweets have widely been brought up in the news to cause embarrassment for politicians, sportspeople and people in the public eye. So, will people be able to go back and edit these

These questions and more will undoubtedly be tested and answered over the coming months.

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